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Saab Global


自从第一架军用飞机飞上天空, air attack has been one of the most powerful strategies for dominating opponents on the ground. The term ground-based air defence (GBAD) refers to a systems aimed at neutralising or diminishing the aerial threat posed by manned aircraft, 无人驾驶飞行器(uav), smaller drones and missiles.

与空中防空系统不同, GBAD systems are operated from the surface of the earth or from ships located in marine environments. Modern GBAD technologies include guns and missile systems aimed at targeting and destroying aircraft and other threats, as well as jammers that can be used to interfere with the instrumentation of attacking aircraft. Passive GBAD measures include the use of camouflage and decoys to confuse pilots, while barrage balloons have traditionally been used to stop aircraft from approaching closely to assets.

Ground-based air defence is often seen as more economical form of defence against air threats than maintaining fighter squadrons. GBAD可以长期部署并留在原地, 只有在威胁临近时才会活跃起来. GBAD系统相对较低的成本意味着它们可以被广泛部署, with a combination of short-, 实现高度覆盖的中远程系统. 

Layered Defence
Layered Defence



Ground-based air defence systems that rely on missiles to take down aerial threats come in a range of shapes and sizes. 有些系统可能是永久固定的, while others, 特别是长期解决方案, 它们大到需要卡车或火车来运输吗, from location to location.

车载集成GBAD系统更加灵活, 但它们的活动范围受到地球曲率的限制. At the other end of the spectrum are man-portable air defence systems, known as MANPADs. As the name suggests, such systems are small and light enough to be carried either by a single individual or perhaps a two-soldier team within a squad. Because of their size, they can be taken to locations that larger GBAD systems would find inaccessible, 在灵活性方面提供主要的战术优势. MANPADs can be fired from rooftops, ridges and the most inaccessible of terrain.      


一个突出的例子就是星际网赌导航 RBS 70 NG system. Weighing in at 75 kilograms, 它通常由两个人组成, 一个士兵搬运武器,另一个拿着支架. 能够在45秒内组装并准备发射, it has a range of up to nine kilometres and serves as a powerful deterrent against aerial incursions.

携带RBS 70 NG便携式防空导弹的巴西士兵


Ground-based air defence (GBAD) is one of the most powerful strategies available for armed forces defending territory and combatting aerial threats. 具有瞄准和摧毁飞机的能力, drones and missiles using munitions fired from the earth’s surface can stop the enemy from achieving aerial dominance – and turn the course of battles and wars.

While it would be convenient to say one GBAD system is superior to all others, the reality is more complex. No single system has all the attributes needed to completely neutralise all aerial threats. 而是通过混合使用不同的系统, 军队可以建立一个真正全面的防御体系.

Saab´s sensor Giraffe 1X
Saab´s sensor Giraffe 1X
星际网赌导航的导弹系统RBS 70 NG
星际网赌导航的导弹系统RBS 70 NG

需要考虑的一个因素是GBAD导弹系统的制导系统. 许多长程和中程解决方案依赖于雷达制导. 红外系统在近程系统上更为常见, 而星际网赌导航RBS 70 NG系统依赖于一个不可干扰的激光系统. 当多种制导系统协同使用时, there is a greater chance that one will defeat enemy countermeasures and destroy the target.

这同样适用于操作范围. Long- and medium-range systems can protect large areas but suffer from issues such as slow deployment, radar shadow, high cost, and easy satellite detection. 短程系统,比如星际网赌导航 RBS 70 NG can fill these gaps with strengths including agility, affordability, and fast deployment.


Radar coverage landscape
Radar coverage 10.000ft
Radar coverage landscape
Radar coverage 5.000ft
Radar coverage landscape
Radar coverage 500ft
Radar coverage landscape
Radar coverage 100ft


战斗机是极其昂贵的军事装备, 通常要花费数千万美元. 有这么大的投入, it’s natural that armed forces use a range of highly sophisticated deterrent measures to keep their jets flying – and an active threat.

对付GBAD的一个关键防御是干扰. Systems within the jet emit electronic signals that confuse the guidance and targeting systems of the missile. Alternatively, the jet may drop flares covering a range of infrared spectrums to confuse infrared targeting systems.

However, a GBAD missile that doesn’t rely on radar or infrared for guidance cannot be jammed by such systems. 一个典型的例子就是我们的RBS 70 NG系统. 它的主要制导和瞄准手段是地面激光, 这使得它具有极高的精确度和杀伤力. Regardless of whether an aircraft turns on its radar jammer or deploys flares, RBS 70导弹保持固定的弹道朝向目标. 即使飞行员发现他们是目标, 他们没有办法破坏系统跟踪. 


今天的远程防空系统是真正强大的武器. 能够击落几十公里外的空中威胁, 它们是对一系列空中威胁的强大威慑. Few pilots would confidently climb into the cockpit knowing they will pass within range of such a weapon.

但是,尽管远程能力令人敬畏,但它们也有缺点. 首先,它们的购买、维护和销毁都很昂贵. 其次,他们需要时间下马、移动和重新部署. And they’re generally easy for the enemy to spot through aerial and satellite surveillance.

这就是近程系统的优势所在. 灵活,轻便,致命的近程系统,比如我们的 RBS 70 NG, cost a fraction of the price of a long-range system in terms of the weapon and the missiles. It makes no sense to fight a small drone with a USD 5 million long-range missile, and much better sense to neutralise it with a more economical short-range missile. Once in place on a rooftop or in a forest, the RBS70 NG can be ready to fire in just 45 seconds. It can be rapidly moved from one location to the next, providing cover to assets on the move. And its ability to be rapidly deployed means it can also be used to lay traps for enemy aircraft trying to establish aerial dominance.


Short and sharp

Flexible, fast-to-deploy, and comparatively inexpensive, short-range systems form an essential part of any nation’s ground-based air defence (GBAD) strategy.

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Why is mobile GBAD needed?

现代战斗场景通常是高度动态的. 战线可以迅速转移, 创造对资产的需求,比如军队, 坦克和其他武器需要迅速运输数百公里. 在这种情况下,武装部队可能非常容易受到空袭.

The path the assets need to take maybe outside of the coverage of fixed air defence systems and long-range systems can be extremely slow to move and redeploy. 在这种情况下,高度 mobile GBAD systems can be a game changer. 我们的RBS 70 NG系统就是最好的例子. 一个完整的单位可以由两名士兵携带, making it highly transportable by all sorts of military vehicles and it can be ready to fire within 45 seconds. It is affordable, 这意味着可以部署多个单位来保护移动中的资产, 在半径9公里范围内提供出色的空中保护.


移动GBAD还有一系列其他好处. Mobile systems can be taken to locations that are inaccessible to bulkier systems and they can more easily be hidden from enemy surveillance. 这有助于他们弥补机动性较差的远程系统留下的差距.


MSHORAD infographic
"What we are offering here is the world’s most modern and capable short-range sensor, combined with the world’s most modern and capable ground-based air defence system"